Saturday, January 2, 2010

Year of Jubilee -- day 1

I recently turned 50. In ancient Israel, all debts were to be erased and land reverted to its "original" owners in the year of jubilee -- the 50th year, one more than 7 squared. Well, I also recently received tenure and the opportunity to spend a sabbatical year reading, thinking, and writing. The first portion will be spent in Tulsa OK, working with Sandip Sen at the University of Tulsa. But first, we'll go visit my mother in central PA. So we're road tripping across the USA, stopping in Tulsa to get a P.O. Box, and then on to PA and then back to Tulsa.

My daughter, Kirsten, is pregnant and due in July. (We'll be grandparents! I guess that happens when you're 50.) So after visiting her and Jeff and the wee one, we'll spend the second half of the year in Istanbul, Turkey.

But enough of the future -- we began our adventure almost 29 years ago, but we began today in Santa Barbara and made it to Kingman, AZ, where we found a charming motel where we're staying. Stay tuned for more updates.

Blessings on you and the year ahead.